quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2024

NICOLAS MADURO - INTERPRETAÇÃO DE TEXTO - (9º ao 3º ano do Ensino Médio )

Text: Nicolás Maduro

Nicolás Maduro is the current president of Venezuela, a country in South America. He was born on November 23, 1962, in Caracas, Venezuela. Before becoming president, Maduro was a bus driver and a union leader. He became involved in politics and joined the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

Maduro was a close ally of Hugo Chávez, the former president of Venezuela. After Chávez passed away in 2013, Maduro was chosen as his successor. He won the presidential election later that year. However, his presidency has been controversial, with many people inside and outside of Venezuela criticizing his leadership.

Under Maduro’s rule, Venezuela has faced many problems, including a severe economic crisis, shortages of food and medicine, and high levels of inflation. Many people have left the country in search of better opportunities. Despite the challenges, Maduro has remained in power and has been re-elected in subsequent elections.

Maduro's government has been accused of human rights violations, and there have been protests against his rule. Some countries do not recognize him as the legitimate president of Venezuela. However, Maduro still has support from some parts of the population and from countries like Russia and China.


  1. Where was Nicolás Maduro born?

    • a) Caracas, Venezuela
    • b) Bogotá, Colombia
    • c) Lima, Peru
    • d) Santiago, Chile
  2. What was Nicolás Maduro's job before he became involved in politics?

    • a) Teacher
    • b) Doctor
    • c) Bus driver
    • d) Lawyer
  3. Who was the former president of Venezuela before Nicolás Maduro?

    • a) Fidel Castro
    • b) Hugo Chávez
    • c) Evo Morales
    • d) Daniel Ortega
  4. What are some of the problems Venezuela has faced under Maduro's rule?

    • a) Economic crisis and food shortages
    • b) Technological advancements and growth
    • c) Increased tourism and exports
    • d) None of the above
  5. Which countries support Nicolás Maduro’s government?

    • a) Russia and China
    • b) United States and Canada
    • c) France and Germany
    • d) Brazil and Argentina


  1. a) Caracas, Venezuela
  2. c) Bus driver
  3. b) Hugo Chávez
  4. a) Economic crisis and food shortages
  5. a) Russia and China


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